United Way of Marion County looks to host their third annual Women United Blingo Bingo event on Thursday, October 3rd from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the College of Central Florida, Klein Center. The event will enable attendants to win bling while playing Bingo.
EACH Admission Ticket Includes:
- 6 Bingo games, each with a chance to win bling. Each Game Sheet includes 6 chances to win.
- Silent Auction (over 30 gift baskets were featured last year)
- 50/50 Opportunity Drawing
- Hors d’oeuvres + drink ticket
- Opportunities to upgrade for more chances to win
Tickets will not be available at the door, advance sales only. Click here to purchase your ticket or reserve a full or half table now!
With more than 200 in attendance, the event offers a way to feature and promote your business. For those interested in becoming a sponsor, click here to view or print the sponsorship form, or click here to pay online.
Proceeds will benefit ReadingPals, United Way’s early literacy program for Marion County kindergarten students.