A sinkhole has forced a delay of the Wetland Groundwater Recharge Park flooding event scheduled for Thursday, June 27 at 9:30 a.m.
The sinkhole, in one of the wetland cells, was discovered Thursday. It led to the spill of public access reuse water, which has since been contained.

According to Ocala officials, the sinkhole is slated for repair, but they aren’t sure if the repair will be completed in time to move forward with the flood the park event.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection will work closely with city staff during the repair process and will advise when plans to flood the park can resume.
Construction for the park started in June 2018. The flooding of the park is a pivotal portion of the construction. Once fully flooded and operational, the park will receive up to five million gallons of treated wastewater a day, which after further treatment and nutrient reduction by the wetland plants, will recharge the Upper Floridan Aquifer.

In addition to the nutrient reduction and aquifer recharge, the park also hosts two and a half miles of walking trails and boardwalks that go over the open water and overlook the scenic views.
The project has been cooperatively funded through the St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Ocala.
City staff and members of the community also are pursuing funding for an educational center to benefit students and local organizations.
For more information, please contact the City of Ocala Water Resources Department at (352) 351-6772.