A K-9 officer at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office advanced into the next round to crown the Top Dog among sheriff’s offices in Florida.

On Sunday, Rex won his first-round match in the Florida Sheriffs Association’s K-9 March Madness competition, which will crown a “Top Dog” among 32 sheriff’s offices across the state.
During the first round, Rex was pitted against Highway, a canine who works for the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office in northwest Florida.
This week, Rex is facing off against K-9 officer Dottie, who works for the Miami-Dade Police Department.

Currently, there are eight head-to-head matchups among the 16 dogs left in the competition.
As of Monday morning, Rex is leading the current vote in his matchup, with 66%, or 2,366 votes, to Dottie’s 1,205 (34%).
To vote, visit the K-9 March Madness webpage and click on the check mark over the photo of the dog that you want to vote for in each matchup.
Voting is open through Thursday, March 28 at 3 p.m. EST for the competition.