A new stamp to bring awareness to and help “Save Manatees” was unveiled at Silver Springs State Park last week during Manatee Appreciation Day.
The Save the Manatee Club revealed the stamp at the park on Wednesday, March 27.
“We recognize the importance of environmental protection and are dedicated to fostering a sustainable future,” said Isaac Cronkhite, Chief Processing and Distribution Officer for USPS.
Cronkhite says the organization hopes the stamp will help “raise awareness of this beloved marine mammal and the ongoing threats to its natural habitat and food supply.”

The new stamp is available online at USPS.com and post offices across the nation.
In February, the Save the Manatee Club announced the launch of a brand new set of underwater and above-water webcams to livestream manatees and other wildlife at the park, which is located at 5656 E Silver Springs Boulevard.

The cameras are a collaboration between the club, Explore.org, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. To view them, check out Explore, visit Save the Manatee Club online, or watch them on YouTube.