61.8 F
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Stop before turning right on red

To the Editor:

I have written about this a couple of times but find it necessary to do so again. I was happy to see an article and an event about running red lights when turning right. It has gotten worse, I think.

My driving route puts me at several main intersections where, as I sit in the lane to go straight, I may see as many as 13 cars never stop on red to turn right. It angers me because that is outright ignoring the traffic laws which are made to protect.

I wish I could actually see a law officer pull someone over that blatantly defies this law to stop on red. But, I’ve never seen it happen. In fact, I have seen a few police cars do the same thing.

It is sad that people do not respect the traffic laws anymore. Something needs to be done about this.

Karen Perkins
Ocala resident