61.8 F
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Ocala resident complains of five boil water notices in past month

To the Editor:

In the northeast Ocala area, we have been through five episodes of boil water notices in the span of 38 days! Central States Water Resources (CSWR) is the new water supplier. Their slogan professes to provide clean, dependable water. The various subdivisions around us are posting on Ring the same issues: Low or no water pressure and constant notices.

The water system here is 45 years old. Maybe it’s in need of replacement. My recommendation is to notify the Public Service Commission of this constant and costly (bottled water costs) disruption in our homes. Please consider contacting the PSC if this concerns/affects your home life. They helped put a stop to Sunshine Utilities gouging their customers back in the 90’s.

I hope they will consider this matter important enough to look into it if enough people contact them:

Public Service Commission

Joy Rumans