A Dunnellon auctioneer punched his ticket to the World Livestock Auctioneer Championship this week after claiming victory at a qualifying event held in Minnesota.
Marcus Kent was named qualifying event champion of the World Livestock Auctioneer Quarterfinal tournament, which was held at the Tri-County Stockyards in Motley, Minnesota this past week.

Kent claimed the title over three dozen other participants who competed in this year’s event. He was the lone Florida auctioneer at the event, according to the entry list.
With the victory, Kent becomes one of only ten qualifiers who will compete in the 2024 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship. That event will be held at the Oklahoma National Stockyards Company in Oklahoma City from June 12 to June 15, 2024.
Kent is a partner with his two brothers in Running K Livestock Inc., and a partner & competitor in Southern Ranch Sorting at 4410 W. Lonely Ct. in Dunnellon.
Kent is also the auctioneer at the weekly livestock auction at Ocala Stockyard, as well as the Marion County’s annual Southeastern Youth Fair.
Leave your words of encouragement and congratulations for Marcus Kent in a comment below. For more information about next year’s championship event, visit the Livestock Marketing Association online.